Guria | Гурия | გურია
Currency converter
GEO 1 GEL = 1 lari
USD 1 USD = 2.8412 lari
EUR 1 EUR = 2.9236 lari
RUS 100 RUB = 2.7747 lari
UAH 10 UAH = 0.6735 lari
GBP 1 GBP = 3.4677 lari
AZN 1 AZN = 1.6706 lari
AMD 1000 AMD = 7.1477 lari
KZT 100 KZT = 0.5361 lari
TRY 1 TRY = 0.0801 lari




The Church of Archangels of Jumati


The Church of Archangels of Jumati is about 15 kilometers away from Ozurgeti center. It's built on high mountain hills. Jumati had a prominent role in the history of Guria. It was a wealthy and respected pulpit for Jumati Bishops. It had a huge real estate and precious icons. According to Vakhushti - "On the mountain top there is a Monastery of Jumati, huge and domed. There sits bishop, shepherd between Supsa and Rioni rivers."










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