Kakheti | Кахети | კახეთი
Currency converter
GEO 1 GEL = 1 lari
USD 1 USD = 2.8468 lari
EUR 1 EUR = 2.9894 lari
RUS 100 RUB = 2.7102 lari
UAH 10 UAH = 0.6831 lari
GBP 1 GBP = 3.6077 lari
AZN 1 AZN = 1.6742 lari
AMD 1000 AMD = 7.0860 lari
KZT 100 KZT = 0.5430 lari
TRY 1 TRY = 0.0819 lari






Tsinandali village is famous for the best vine species. The winery was founded on the basis of prince estate in 1889 y. The wine tasting is still possible in the winery where the unique wine collection is kept. The residence of Alexandre Chavchavadze who was a romantic poet and the prince of Kakheti is built there. There is the beautiful English Park designed by French designer – Arnold Regeli, in front of the Palace. You can see the monument of Georgian Architecture – Saparasi church in this village. Also the archaeological monument of Hellenistic and Antique Age has been revealed near it.












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