The Kviakhidzeebi Museum | Музей Квиахидзе | კვიახიძეების მხარეთმცოდნეობის მუზეუმი
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Museums of Adjara

The Kviakhidzeebi Museum

Address:Village Kviakhidzeebi, Shuakhevi Municipality
Phone:(+995 558) 58 81 29
Working hours:Everyday, 10.00 – 19.00
Date of establishment:1998


The museum houses ethnographical material of 19th century, in particular, family dishes made by clay and copper, loom, workmanship tools, weapons, numismatics, and heraldic samples since 1870 up to day. As well as there are housed paintings, embroidery, documental material connected to the history of village Kviakhidzeebi and Mareti gorge dated 1900s until the 1980s of 20th century.












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