Castle of Petra Archaeological-Architectural Museum Reserve | Археолого-архитектурный музей-заповедник «Петра-цихе» | პეტრა-ციხის არქეოლოგიურ-არქიტექტურული მუზეუმ-ნაკრძალი
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Museums of Adjara

Castle of Petra Archaeological-Architectural
Museum Reserve

Address:village Tsikhisdziti, Kobuleti Municipality
Phone:(+995 590) 880 121
Working hours:Everyday except Monday, 10.00 – 17.00
Date of establishment:1989


The Museum-Reserve of the Castle of Petra is arranged on the territory of the village of Tsikhisdziri, Kobuleti Municipality and comprises the early medieval complex of the castle of Petra and its outskirts. Petra castle is one of the most significant monuments of material culture on the entire eastern coast of the Black Sea. The excavations conducted here have revealed several archaeological monuments of different historical periods, the earliest of which belongs to Late-Bronze – Early Iron Age, while the latest of them are of the end of the Middle Ages.












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