Gonio Apsarus Archaeological-Architectural Museum Reserve | Археолого-архитектурный музей-заповедник «Крепость Гонио» | გონიო-აფსაროსის არქეოლოგიურ-არქიტექტურული მუზეუმ-ნაკრძალი
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Museums of Adjara

Gonio Apsarus Archaeological-Architectural
Museum Reserve

Address:village Tsikhisdziti, Kobuleti Municipality
Phone:(+995 595) 35 21 20
Working hours:Everyday except Monday, 10.00 – 17.00
Date of establishment:1994


The Museum-Reserve covers the area of Gonio-Apsarosi castle and the adjacent territories. Visitor will see: The Ancient Roman fortress erected at the mouth of Chorokhi River, on the Black Sea shore, its massive defensive wall of the most perfect stonework, reinforced with the counter-forcing structures; several military paths and crenels, remains of the monumental constructions (military barracks, praetorium ) of Roman and Early Byzantine periods, Roman bathhouse, ancient water supply system, fragments of the caravansary of the XVI-XVII cc AD, late medieval clay baking ovens, etc. Archaeological material discovered on the territory of the museum-reserve is of various historical periods with the earliest samples dated by VIII-VII cc BC and the latest - manufactured in the late XIX c. The set of golden things known as "Gonio Treasure"- brilliant samples of high level of craftsmanship and sophisticated art is the most noteworthy of all artifacts. They are exhibited in Kh. gonio_fortress Achara State Museum and in Batumi Archaeological Museum.












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