Ekvtime Takaishvili Archaeological Museum-Reserve of The Country Guria | Археологический музей-заповедник им. Эквтиме Такаишвили в Гурии | გურიის მხარის არქეოლოგიური მუზეუმ-ნაკრძალი
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Museums of Guria

Ekvtime Takaishvili Archaeological Museum-Reserve
of The Country Guria

Address:8, 9 April street, Ozurgeti
Phone:(+995 590) 880 118
Working hours:Everyday, except Monday, 10.00 – 18.00
Date of establishment:1998


Memorabilia exhibited in the permanent exposition, related to life and deeds of Ekvtime Takhaishvili, unique photos and artifacts, common for ethnography of the historical province of Guria. Gurianta-Vashnari settlement remains of the V-VIII cc AD are located on the territory of the Museum-Reserve. Remains of the monastery dated by the II half of VI c were revealed during archaeological excavations, coupled with fragments of fortification facilities (probably of the monastery defensive wall ), coupled with fragments of a small basilica and martyrium. A stone with Greek inscription has been found here as well, that is currently exhibited at Ozurgeti Local History Museum.

Cultural layers of different historical periods were revealed on the territory of the Museum-Reserve, namely of early Antique and Hellenistic settlements, clay sarcophagus, jar-tombs and ancient bath-house.












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