Aleksandre Chavchavadze House Museum in Tsinandali| Музеи Кахети | კახეთის მუზეუმები
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Museums of Kakheti

Aleksandre Chavchavadze House Museum
in Tsinandali

Address:village Tsinandali, Telavi district
Phone:(+995, 350) 3 37 17
Working hours:Everyday 10.00 - 19.00, in winter 10.00 - 17.00
Date of establishment:1946


The museum is located in the palace of the well-known Georgian poet, where one can see objects representing both the poet's life and creative work, and his époque: epistolary and iconography archive, XIX c. editions on various subjects in French, German, English, Polish, Armenian languages, XVIII c. manuscripts, works of photographer Ermakov, samples of painting and lithography, XVII-XIX c.c. Georgian, Russian, French furniture, other household objects, crockery (Chinese, Japanese, French, German, Italian, Georgian, Russian), musical instruments; Alexsander Chavchavadze in1830 laid out a decorative park which at the moment occupies 12 hectare land. There are different plants – medical, technical, etc. as well as exotic ones from China, Japan, Mediterranean, America, etc. In 1835 there was built one of the first in Georgia wine cellar, where are kept unique collection of wine from many countries (20.000 bottles).












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