Kote Marjanishvili House Museum| Музеи Кахети | კახეთის მუზეუმები
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Museums of Kakheti

Kote Marjanishvili House Museum

Address:24, Kote Marjanishvili str., Kvareli
Phone:(+9958 352) 2 10 23
Working hours:Everyday, 10.00 - 17.00
Date of establishment:1959


The house museum of well-known Georgian producer of theatre Kote Marjanishvili (1872-1933) was established in 1959. In the museum funds and on the display are kept memorial objects (various accessories, clothes, etc.) of producer: Beginning of the XX century antiquarian furniture, carpets, crockery (Russian and French china), paintings (L. Gudiashvili, Petre Otskheli, Elene Akhvlediani etc.),graphics, sculpture, photographs, documents, books on the subject of the producer's performances, audio-video copies of his film ("Amoki") and performances. The museum houses also characteristic for the Kakheti region everyday life and ethnography objects and archaeological items accidentally discovered by local people.












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