Museums of Mtskheta-Mtianeti | Музеи Мцхета-Мтианети | მცხეთა-მთიანეთის მუზეუმები
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of Mtskheta-Mtianeti

David and Giorgi Eristavi House Museum

Address:Village Odzisi, Dusheti district
Phone:(+995 599) 63 37 34
Working hours:Everyday, except Monday, 10.00 – 18.00
Date of establishment:1961


The museum is situated in the memorial palace of 18th-19th centuries built by Eristavi's. The museum houses materials connected to the life and activities of David and Giorgi Eristavis, famous public figures: memorial collections, everyday life things, photo-materials, specimens of applied art, documents.












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