Tusheti | Тушети| თუშეთი
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Dartlo is one of the most beautiful villages in whole Tusheti. It is situated at 2000 meters above sea level in the gorge of Alazani. Except the ancient castles, houses and towers, there are also the ruins of Christian churches in Tusheti. Оne of the towers of Dartlo was attacked frequently by the enemy. This tower had 6 stories: during the war the captives were kept on the first storey. Second, third, forth and fifth stories were used as the shelter for women and children. The sixth storey was used by the warriors to shoot and throw the stones. There is a church built in the XIX century at the entrance of Dartlo, that had been built by Russians right on the church-house. The church was ruined by the local dwellers. This monument enters into the checklist of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.





UNESCO World Heritage List







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