Racha | Рача | რაჭა
Currency converter
GEO 1 GEL = 1 lari
USD 1 USD = 2.7230 lari
EUR 1 EUR = 2.9909 lari
RUS 100 RUB = 2.8291 lari
UAH 10 UAH = 0.6613 lari
GBP 1 GBP = 3.5655 lari
AZN 1 AZN = 1.6014 lari
AMD 1000 AMD = 7.0464 lari
KZT 100 KZT = 0.5591 lari
TRY 1 TRY = 0.0795 lari






Barakoni is one of the last important monuments in Racha belonging to the Middle Age Georgian dome architecture. Cathedral of the Virgin Mary is located near hamlet of Tsesi in Ambrolauri region. On order of Racha ruler, Rostom, it was built in 1753 by Avtandil Shulavreli. Cathedral was built with cut stone and is richly ornamented. Restoration of cathedral was done in 1991 after it received damage because of earthquake.





The main sightseeing of Racha









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