Museums of Imereti | Музеи Имерети | იმერეთის მუზეუმები
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Museums of Imereti

Georgian National Museum.
Otar Lordkipanidze
Vani Archaeological Museum-Reserve

Address:7, Vakhtang Gorgasali st., Vani
Phone:(+995 432) 2 16 02 (+995 032) 2 99 80 22
Working hours:Everyday, except Monday, 11.00 - 16.00
Date of establishment:1985


Vani museum was founded in 1985 by Academician Otar Lordkipanidze during the international symposium. The museum (more than 4.000 items) houses the archaeology collection excavated in Vani since 1985. The Gold Fund was opened at the museum in 1987, after the discovery of the rich burial. In the Gold Fund are kept unique samples of goldsmith work from Vani site. The permanent exhibition of the museum displays cultural development of the site from VI c. up to I c. B.C. (bronze sculptures, fragments of them, gold, silver, bronze objects, samples of coins, etc.).












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