Telavi Historical Museum| Музеи Кахети | კახეთის მუზეუმები
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Museums of Kakheti

Telavi Historical Museum

Address:1, Erekle II str., Telavi
Phone:(+995, 350) 3 00 54, 7 21 59, 7 31 59
Working hours:Everyday, except Monday, 10.00 - 18.00
Date of establishment:1927


The museum complex includes memorial palace of the Kakheti king Erekle II (built in 1884-86), court church, re_parents of philosophy school, bath and tunnel built by Erekle II, also Ketevan Iashvili Art Gallery. The museum houses king Erekle's belongings and along with them: numismatic collection, erly medieval sarcophagus, late medieval armor, and collections of XVII-XIX c.c. cooper household objects, weapons, Khevsuretian (East Georgian mountainous region) clothes. The Art Gallery houses the private collection (187 items) of Ketevan Iashvili donated by her to the museum. The collection includes works of XIX c. Dach, French, German, Russian (Aivazovski, Kramskoi and other peredvizhnik period artists) painters, also works of Georgian artists (E.Akhvlediani, L.Gudiashvili, J.Khutsishvili, etc.).












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